Friday, July 16, 2010

New Month... New Projects!

More then anything I wish I could show you pictures of the blankets that I have made so far for my family. But since they are Christmas gifts I will just say that they are awesome!! I can hardly wait to give them to everyone! Since my family knows that I am making them -Here is my list:

My nephew - Ivan: Done! (Colors- Red, Navy Blue, Light Blue, Brown, Tan, Green)
My Niece - Iris: Almost done!! ( Colors - Off White, Pink, Light Blue, Green)
My Sister and Brother in Law - Natalie and Ian: Started (Colors: Brown and Tan)
My Niece - Lili : Planned but not started - (Colors: Hot Pink, Light Pink, Brown, Lime Green)
My Brother and Sister in Law - Ben and Missy : Up for debate
My Brother - Josh : Up for debate
My Parents - Earl and Terri : Up for debate
My Husband - George : Up for debate

This is just the beginning of my list! I want to make a blanket for George's side of our family but I am not sure if everything will be finished by Christmas. Another thing I am debating is if I should give the blanket to everyone as I am finished instead of waiting until Christmas... What do you think??

I am also starting a baby blanket for my friend. She is having her first baby and I want to make her something special... If I have time I would also like to make baby clothes! The picture above is the color yarn that I am using on her baby blanket. It is going to look great!

On a different note - I have a list of Crochet books that I would like to own. When I make hobby lobby runs I look at the ones that they have there but I can never imagine paying 20 dollars for a book that I can find cheaper! Good news!! The three books that I wanted the most I found for 2-3 dollars each!!! I love bargain shopping!

Isn't it fun being addicted to something that you love?


  1. i am loving that pattern on the cover of that crochet block magazine! so wish i could be as talented & creative as you are. proud of you!

  2. Hey Girl! I was wondering what you sites you'd suggest for beginning how-to's. I've learned to knit, but crocheting is looking a lot easier. any help would be great! I've already read through your chain tutorial :) any help would be grand! hope you're doing well! your new home looks lovely and cozy! talk to you soon!

  3. Thanks Nat!!

    Abby, I taught myself to Crochet and if I can do it I know you can too! I did two things... First, I bought "Teach yourself Visually Crocheting" by Kim P. Werker and Cecily Keim. I recommend buying it off of Amazon - it is a lot cheaper that way. This book has everything in it! They teach you each stitch and the pictures make since... and the way they word it makes since. They also teach you how to read patterns and so much more!!

    Another thing I do is Google (A LOT!). When I want to learn how to make something that I saw I find out the name of it and I google it. You could google "Single Crochet", Half Double Crochet" "Double Crochet" and "Triple Crochet" (those are all of the stitches and if you learn these you can do everything!)a lot of times people post videos that will show you how to do it.

    I wanted to make posts on how to crochet but I found it was hard because my pictures where not very good and I don't have the equipment to make my video camera post on the internet.

    As I was learning I would show a lady that I worked with who crocheted just to make sure I was doing it right. A lot of times people will be glad to sit down with you and help you learn too. I know I would if we lived closer to each other.

    I will say this... buy plain yarn. If you have a Hobby Lobby buy their yarn. It is called "I love this yarn". Or you can get red heart... Don't buy the lacy yarn or black or white yarn while you are learning. They are not easy to work with.

    Keep me updated! I am so glad to hear that you are interested!! And trust me - Crocheting is sooo much easier then knitting. I won't ever go back!
