Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Art Of Spinning

A few weeks ago I went to FireFox Museum ( with my parents and grandparents. At FireFox you will get a look at the lifestyle of the pioneer culture of the Southern Appalachian mountains. We had a great time looking at the houses and imagining how it would be like to live in a one room cabin with ten kids!

While we were there we saw a lady who was spinning wool into yarn. If you know me you know I love having yarn and a hook in my hand! It was so fascinating! She had a wheel similar to the one above and was taking clumps of wool that she had bought from a sheep farm near by and was making yarn. Towards the back of her workshop she had skeins of yarn for sale at 25 dollars each. Granted I am used to paying 2 to 3 dollars for one skein at Hobby Lobby but it was so neat to see the process of how yarn is made!

For the longest time, I held in my had the prettiest yarn I had ever seen! It was a dark brown and it was so soft! She told me that it came from a black baby sheep and the reason that it was softer then all the others was because that was his first hair cut! I almost talked myself into buying it but I didn't!

Before I left I got information on taking classes to learn to spin wool. Between the class, buying the stuff I would need, and buying wool from a local farm I am not sure that this is a project that I can take on right now. Maybe one day when we strike it rich! :)

I did learn that you can make yarn out of dog hair! I have enough of that here at home that I wouldn't have to worry about the cost! So, to those of you who spin... if you need dog hair I am willing to sell it to you!


  1. Start saving your money! Start buying and crocheting/knitting with that yarn that feels so good, it really makes a difference. You are on a road to goodness!

  2. You on on the road to goodness! Start saving and purchasing the yarn that "feel good."
