Friday, August 6, 2010

Snaps and Buttons

I've been looking cute patterns for winter clothes and I have picked out a few sweaters that are on my list to make before it gets cold. With cute clothes comes cute buttons and as I have found... snaps!

Last week I ran to hobby lobby to find snaps for a baby out fit that I am making. I know what snaps are but I had never brought them before. I had a blonde moment in the store. I was looking at the package thinking... the top part is missing... before I realized what I was doing I had snapped the top part of the snap off and it went flying across the store! Don't worry! I found it!! :) But the whole time I was in the store was snapping the snaps on and off. It was as fun as clicking your pen over and over again! :)

Along with the snaps the baby outfit called for decorative buttons... I am still on the hunt for cute baby buttons but Hobby Lobby didn't have anything that I liked. Yestorday I ran into Wal-mart with my Sister and her two kids. I had my nephew with me and I let him pick out his birthday gift from Aunt Beshie and Uncle George. After we were done we ran over to the yarn section and found a few cute buttons. None for my baby outfit but I think they will look cute on a sweater that I am going to make next! I can't wait to make it!!

Natalie, my sister, and I also ebayed glass buttons. We found some really cute buttons but I want to shop some more before I order any. I will say though that the glass buttons that we looked at were very cute! I would love to learn how to make them.

Where do you find cute buttons??


  1. have you shopped at before? they have the cutest things of just about anything! I'm addicted to this website! good luck!

  2. that was what i was going to say...we were on etsy not ebay. but we should check out ebay too. i bet that it would have some glass buttons. :)

  3. I do like etsy! If I was a stay at home wife I would start selling a few things on that website... but right now I don't have enough time. They charge a fee for everything sold so I would need to sell a lot to make it worth it. Maybe one day...
