Saturday, May 15, 2010

Moving Pains

My husband and I are moving in exactly a month! I would be okay with it if I knew that we would be ready on time! Today we went to the new place to clean it thinking we would have it done in no time... but we realized that we have our work cut out for us! Don't get me wrong - this is a nice place but it hasn't been lived in for over a year and the girl that lived there last left it dirty...
( I will spare you the details of that)
There are spider webs every where. Dead lady bugs in the windows. The carpet was dirty ( after I shampooed them they looked so much better!).

We made a emergency run to dollar general and I found my new best friends! I bought a duster wand that opens the size of two brooms! I can reach the top of the ceiling now and get the spider webs! I also found a little sweeper brush that is helping me get the lady bugs out. ( my windows will sparkle when I am done with them!) OH! and while attempting to bleach the kitchen cabinets we found a hand held vacuum!! It works like a miracle! Do you understand how nice that will be?! (think about having a cat and a dog... now you understand)

But all of this will take time. I am scared that we will run out of time to clean and pack and move. I do not want to move our stuff until we have it completely clean (did I mention that we wanted to paint too?!?).

Do you ever wish you could take a break from life so that you could get done the things that are very important? I sure do.

With all the stress of the move my desire to crochet is ten times worse! I know it is because crocheting is the one thing that relaxes me but I am afraid I won't have much time for it. I know I sound very pitiful but if I could show you what we are up against you might just understand... :) But none the less I know it will work out. I just want ten more hands and a ton more time...

So... to those who crochet... Please take extra time to crochet in my honor...

To those who are neat freaks... can you please help me clean?!? :) heehee!!

To those who are good at packing... come on over!!

This is my story and I'm sticking to it.

1 comment:

  1. wish i could come help you clean & pack. the crocheting part...can't help you on. i do so wish i could. oh well. :) looking forward to seeing the new place! love you lots.
