Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Iris and Ivan's Toddler Blankets

After A LOT of thought, I decided to give my family members their blanket as I finish them. Why? Well...

1) Why keep them under my bed until Christmas when they can enjoy them now?
2) It took me two months for two small blankets and I know I will not have every one's done by Christmas.
3) I just really wanted to :)
4) I would like to make myself some winter clothes and if I am on a time schedule I won't allow myself to stop and make a sweater or two.

George and I made a quick trip to Memphis this past week. We left on Wednesday and as soon as we arrived I went to my sister's house and gave Iris and Ivan their toddler blankets. I realize that they are too young to really treasure and appreciate the blankets but I was amazed to find how much they loved them! I am so excited and can hardly wait until everyone has their own blanket! If a picture can say 1,000 words... check out how cute they are!!! I hope one day they look at their blanket and know how much Aunt Beshie loves them!

Our time in Memphis was very quick! I wish we could turn back time and have those days again. At the same time I would not trade a moment... well, other then the fact that George hit my sister's small brick wall at the end of their drive way, knocked it over, and scratched my car. Or the fact that I broke her shower knob the next morning... :) but we are laughing about it because what can you do?!? Momma said their would be days like that...

1 comment:

  1. you are so funny..
    we did have such a nice time with you guys. i am very VERY thankful that you were able to come out for a long weekend. thought that you might be happy to know that dustin came by & put the wall back together...& ian bought a new shower nob. all is well.
    & the kids do love the blankets...such a sweet present from their aunt beeshie.
    love you.
